
Ricky's Profile

I'm ready for adoption!

  • Name: Ricky
  • Species: A Delightful Blue and Gold Macaw
  • Age: Ricky is 29 years young, so at this point, he is only halfway through his potential lifespan.
  • Sex: Male
  • Health status: Healthy and active!
  • Flighted: Yes, he is fully flighted but does not seem to fly. He would much rather climb and walk around. He’s quick on his little dinosaur feet!
  • Well socialized: Ricky had a great family that adored him, and he has only had that one family. He can be nervous around new people, but once he gets to know you he very much wants to engage with his people.
  • Diet: He mainly eats a diet of pellets, some healthy seeds and grains, nuts, cooked foods, fruit and veggies. Currently his favourites treats are peanuts, almonds and walnut pieces.
  • Bio: Ricky loves to explore and move around,​ this comes from his absolute curiosity for everything around him.​ He’s a very animated parrot who loves nothing more than to dance and attempt to sing with his special person. He’s very charismatic. One of his big loves is absolutely to destroy a toy. He loves to forage; he loves to find his treats and his favourite foods in a box of cardboard with different items placed inside. He will amuse himself and carry on as though he’s talking to the box, which can only help make you giggle. He does spend very active and engaging times of the day with his people, but he also will settle and enjoy some quiet attention. Ricky is a bird that needs a home from someone who wants a character to live with them, who will engage him in activities, and who wants a parrot to be active! Ricky can be very loud at times, but after all, he is a macaw, a big bird with a big voice, but those times aren’t very long. He will vocalize that he loves to get attention, but once settled into an activity, he is relatively quiet.

    Key adoption notes: Ricky is very clear with his body language when he is uncomfortable. You should be ready to go slow, get to know him and learn his body language. Once you have earned his trust you will be a friend for life!

    Ricky is looking for a home where he will be part of activities, have fun, and engage with people. He very much knows how to entertain himself with objects, and so he will need things to do when he is in his cage or on a stand on his own, but this guy keep you all smiles for many, many years to come. Ricky is an absolute joy. He is a little banana, but after all, he’s a parrot and a great one at that!

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